1 to 1 Coaching

Interactive Mindfulness Coaching that supports your happiness.

What to Expect

  • An experienced Coach who is focused on the happiness and life goals that matter to you
  • A guide who can help you explore the Unified Mindfulness System
  • Clear instruction that doesn’t leave you confused so you’ll understand exactly ‘How it Works’, ‘Why it Matters’ and ‘What to Do’
  • A skills-based framework that helps you make the most of your practise
  • An in-depth understanding of the Unified Mindfulness Signature Technique
  • A range of 40 standard techniques to discover and explore
  • The Attentional Skills of Mindfulness and how to practise and develop them
  • Unique approaches to taking Mindfulness into your whole day to enhance focus, presence and fulfillment
  • Strategies to manage stress and anxiety and increase calm and focus
  • What to watch out for in your practice so you can work with challenges that arise
  • How to make the most of opportunities and rewards that arise from practise

Program Description

Our individual coaching is very interactive. Having a coach who really listens to your experience and your goals means they can help you make the most of your meditation practice.

A Coach knows that mindfulness, like the training of any skill, needs a clear framework to support skill development. They’ll show you ‘How it Works’, ‘Why it Matters’ and ‘What to Do’. This gives you the clarity you need to maximise the quality of your practice time in order to experience high quality benefits in a shorter period of time.

A Coach can offer you different ways to implement your mindfulness skills that are clear, easy to understand and designed to meet your particular situations and interests. When practice rewards appear a coach can suggest techniques and options to make the most of those opportunities. When challenges arise in practice or in life they can help with mindfulness techniques and strategies here as well.

A Coach is familiar with the wide range of techniques available in the Unified Mindfulness System. This means you are more likely to find one or more that speak to you. Having options means that there are always new and interesting discoveries to make. As your practice grows and changes, a coach can help you find new and meaningful ways to continue to train your skills.

A Coach can help you build your own individual set of techniques and show you how to change and adapt the techniques you use over time based on your changing experience. They’ll help you make mindfulness practise an established habit and show you how to take mindfulness into your whole day.


Not at all.

The mind thinks involuntarily just like a heart beats so you’re in good company with the rest of humanity.

The good news here is that there are plenty of ways to use thoughts as a focus object for meditation which means that you can access all the benefits of meditation even if you are someone with a busy mind. No need to try and stop your thoughts.

Busy minds welcome.

There are lots of different approaches to meditation out there. 

Having a system with a really clear, straightforward approach and with so many techniques as options (40 standard techniques) means there’s  a good chance you’ll find one that speaks to your interests and supports your goals.

We hear this a lot.

To really start getting the most out of your meditation practice all it takes is 10 minutes a day. You don’t have 10 minutes? Maybe you’ll feel differently once you know that those 10 minutes can be done even while driving (with the right technique) or walking, working out and more. We can show you how to bring mindfulness into any part of your day. That might look like waiting in a queue, sitting in a meeting, having a conversation, brushing your teeth, preparing for a difficult discussion or having a meal. The list is actually endless. These kinds of moments all add up when it comes to developing your skills, accessing the benefits and your being a more mindful you.

One of the greatest misconceptions out there is that meditation is only about becoming calm. The transformative potential of mindfulness offers a meditator SO much more that just calmness (more about that elsewhere). Mindfulness practice involves 3 attentional skills. These skills work together and naturally develop both calmness and alertness. Instead of relying on a certain level of stress to fuel your ‘edge’ you have that combination of calm and a clarity that we feel when we wake refreshed after a really restful sleep. You’re much less exhausted because you use mindfulness to manage stress instead of fight it. So you have more energy, not less. Your heightened calm allows you to remain unruffled under pressure and the alertness, clarity and attention to detail helps you make better decisions. That’s an edge.

Excuse the directness but…no.

Sometimes people believe they can’t Meditate if they are:

  • Stressed
  • Exhausted
  • Hungry
  • Reactive
  • In pain
  • In a hurry
  • Lost in thought

Whatever your reason you can still effectively Meditate. You can even do it using the very thing you consider an obstacle. When we Meditate we are focused on our Sensory Experience. All these ‘obstacles’ are experienced via our Sensory Experience. Once you know how you can use your obstacle to Meditate which will help you manage the obstacle itself. Lemon to Lemonade!


That’s the short answer. The long answer would be to try and summarise the various ways you could use Mindfulness Meditation to improve your Performance Skills (in any field). A very general and very short list might include:

  • Improved Concentration Power will support the quality of your work at every stage
  • As an attention skill focusing on detail and discernment, Sensory Clarity is developing the kind of attention to small details that is required for excellent work.
  • Techniques and strategies to manage stress and anxiety
  • Techniques to nurture positivity and balance the often biased emphasis on negativity that can cripple creativity, self expression and our best work
  • Techniques to enable you to rest and recharge even when you’re busy in practice, rehearsal and performance
  • Mindfulness increases the fulfillment you experience from your successes
  • Mindfulness can be used to establish positive habits and objective behaviour changes that you may wish to be a part of your growth as a performer
  • Mindfulness can be a powerful pathway to self knowledge and insight. As a performer these kinds of insights can be an invaluable tool for growth.